Thursday, September 18, 2008

Where to next?

My sister was giving me trouble tonight for not writing on my blog for the last few months.
Where have I been?...and more importantly where to next? I'll start with the been.
The last time I blogged I was just about to sail to fanning island 100o miles south of Maui. Denver kept a blog of our one month surf and sailing adventure...

We got back on the 7th of July, just a day after my birthday. Ginger cooked me a cake and made Tang frosting. Absolutly delicious. She also gave me these huge crocodile sandals, I've been meaning to try them watersking.

Only a few days back in Maui and I raced in the paddleboard championships with Oren and Ben. I was a little hesitant to race, seeing as I hadn't trained, but I wasn't going to miss a chance to hang with my buddys. It was a little over 9 and half miles, not to mention the mile paddle to the starting line. My french friend Albah was visiting at the time and he made sure to stand at the finish line and take pictures of all the girls that finished before me.

Oren, Quinn, Beadle, Brian, Abe and I raced in the 52 mile hana relay just a week back dressed as "super fairies/super ferrys." Finished 5th out of 123 teams, 2nd in the mens division and we ran a 6:38 min. mile pace. There was an article in the Maui News that read, "Another personal favorite was the Super Fairies, a clever twist on the Hawaii Superferry. The all-male team members got in touch with both their masculine and feminine sides, donning Superman shirts accessorized with delicate fairy wings." Here is the link to the article...

So where to now?

Just a few months back Ben or Captain Ben was offered a job on a boat in Golfito, Costa Rica, giving personal surf tours to the owner Timmy's friends. And seeing as we're headed into our slow season in Maui, I've decided to take 3 months off to lend Ben a hand. Oren and his girlfriend are also joining us towards the end of October. My plans are tentative, but I moved out of my studio and I don't have a return ticket from Costa Rica.

I also found my journal from 10 yrs ago when I lived in Costa Rica for a summer, so I'm hoping to trace my footsteps and reconnect with my old host family.

I landed back in good ole Washington last night to spend a few days with the fam. My little niece Ally is growing up so fast. My mom says she has been watching movies lately and one of her favorites is Snow White and the seven dwarfs. When my mom said to Ally that she was "sleepy," Ally said "I'm doppy." I read her a halloween book tonight before bed and it made my week. My sister has been keeping a blog as well...

My mom and dad seem to have been keeping busy. My mom has an Obama pin on almost everything she owns. I remember when Bush was elected for his first term, she kept calling me crying. I'm not sure what she will do if McCain is elected...So please for my mom's sanity and our future, vote Obama and if you live in Kihei, vote Michael Geingrich for local representative! My dad is still teaching and throwing pots...clay drums, sushi plates, weird tree ornaments and rock rolling. Josh is back in school at USF after his school year abroad in Geneva, Switzerland and Ughanda, Africa. I haven't seen him in well over a year. When he came back to WA for the summer he assembled a dark room in our Lummi Island house. He keeps a blog as well and writes far better than myself, but hasn't updated it since March. Get with the program bro!! ...

I'll do my best to keep everyone posted on my travels in Costa Rica and who knows where else?!
Pura Vida and Aloha

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