Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pad Thai

Due to a rapid increase in internet prices and a decrease in time, I've struggled to find time to write. I'm currently in Ko Toa, Thailand, diving in search of the highly elusive whale shark. Yesterday I went on two dives with Ban's. On the first dive I saw a 3meter bull shark. My friend Skye was supposed to be my dive partner but she has an ear infection. I've been travelling through Thailand for the past few weeks with my friend Nick from my Bali adventures, my friend Skye from New Zealand, her bf Nick, his brother Cam, Cam's friend from school Izzy and Skye's friend Brooke from Australia. Did you get all of that? Nick, Nick, Brooke and Cam are all getting there Open Water certificates, so we should be here for a few more days. We arrived in Ko Toa after a twelve hour trip from Railey via a long tail boat, 4 hr bus ride and an rooftop overnight ferry ride. Turned out to be quite the adventure. We stayed just north of Raley in a backpacker haen call Tonsai. Both Railey and Tonsai are a Rock Climbers dream, with hundreds of routhes and rock faces as high as the eye can see. Had I not shattered my toe a few nights prior, I would have attempted a few routes. Seeing as no one else in the group had any desire to climb, we made our trip there a short one.

The last few weeks have been nothing but beautiful weather, aside from a few rainstorms here and there that last for a few minutes. Not a dull moment in this group. Especially the four days we spent in Koh Phi Phi. A typical day would consist of waking up early, chartering a long tail boat to some remote island or beach, a few games of UNO, frisbee, snorkelling, lounging around, some pb&js, a hike up to the viewpoint for the sunset, dinner, and then some "buckets." "Buckets" are...well they are just that ...."Buckets" of booze. Most of the bars offer free "buckets" from 10-10:10, 1-11:10, and 12-12:10. Cam and Nick had the system down! Get to bed around 3am and do it all over again.

Gotta run, we are headed north the Chang Mai in a few days for elephant rides and a little meditation. Enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

Bryan said...

Enjoy northern Thailand, hope you get a chance to head into Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia.

Happy Thanksgiving, buddy.